
Discussions about Paint

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So I'm sure you all have seen those canvas paintings that everyone has been posting about....arent they so cool? What if i told you, you could paint a picture just like that during a class and also the best part about it...

  • ermini2
    ermini2 Level 1
  • 5 8 years ago

    I'm sure most kids like mine get bored of doing the same thing or same kind of crafts, so i decided to look up something we have never done before that was different. I came across a do it yourself foam paint recipe, whi...

  • ermini2
    ermini2 Level 1
  • 10 8 years ago

    Hey guys! I just found the really really simple way to make your own paint. We all have got to know by now, how my husband and I like to know what exactly is going into crafts and craft supplies because we do alot with ...

  • ermini2
    ermini2 Level 1
  • 10 8 years ago

    So here is another little craft we used to do as kids, i don't think it has a name or anything but we used to find rocks around the house or at the park and bring them home to make things for our family! Lets make a rock...

  • ermini2
    ermini2 Level 1
  • 8 8 years ago

    So here is one of the crafts I did as a kid and love doing with my kids! The Popsicle Stick Picture Frame! What you will need: 1. Popsicle Sticks 2. glue (regular glue or glue gun) 3. paint, markers, crayons 4. p...

  • ermini2
    ermini2 Level 1
  • 5 8 years ago