
Answers from user atarizz5

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Hi everyone. I love watching movies of all categories like action, adventure, drama, comedy, thriller, horror etc. My favorite movie of all time is "Heat". Heat is an action packed movie released in 1995 starring two of ...

  • Rock1987
    Rock1987 Level 1
  • 109 8 years ago

    During tough days, we feel stressed. First thing I do when I am stressed, I eat chocolate and try to sleep. Sleeping is my stress reliever. Because I can rest my mind, I have nothing to mind about what's going around an...

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 135 8 years ago

    Nowadays, technology is part of our daily life, honestly I can't live without it and I admit that it was part of my whole being. We can use the advancement of technology in all aspects. Technology changed my life in a...

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 121 8 years ago

    In our life, we can't avoid to choose. What will you choose? Love or Career? Why?

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 87 8 years ago

    We all have our favourite corner where we sit and relax, reminiscing. It could be in the garden, on the porch, in a balcony and some even do that in the rest room away from it all. We all need those e corner overlooking...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 153 8 years ago

    Hi. I know this is a bit random but I was just talking to someone about names for a girl as my friend is expecting to have a baby girl. And I said a name that I would name my own child (if it was a girl) and she was like...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 38 8 years ago