
Advice To The Newbie Blogger

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Advice To The Newbie Blogger

What are the three most important pieces of advice that you could give the brand new blogger?
Also, please list one resource, an eBook, website, social media site, etc. which could be helpful to the new blogger. THANKS!


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I am not an expert when it comes to blogging. And I also don't think that there are only three important advices to give to the new and aspiring bloggers who wish to get involved in the world of blogging. I will still try to give my top three important advices:

  • Be creative and unique - it's okay to get some ideas and informations as reference from other works, but do not take credit from it.
  • Focus on what your interests/niches - don't write things that is not part of your niche or interest. Write articles and posts about things that you are passionate and share them to people who also feel the same way.
  • Don't give up easily because of low blog views - remember that everybody has to start off somewhere and that is at the bottom. So you gotta have patience and determination if you want to succeed. Listen to the constructive criticisms and build your foundation from there. Sooner or later, you will just notice that you are getting better and better each day. Explore the vast world wide web. New things are awaiting.

Others may have more to add but for me those are the vital components on being a successful blogger.

Also, check this out for beginner blogging tips and tutorials.


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You give great advice here and this is a great quote. I agree that you should not give up to hastily because of low blog posts or traffic. This takes a lot of time to build, and you just have to stick to it. Your advice to us to be creative and unique is paramount to the success of a blog, and I realize that the most important thing I can do as a blogger is to provide strong, error-free, compelling, and interesting content for my audience or potential audience. Also, thanks for the link here.

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My advice is determined and be consistent and don't give up. Today's internet is overloaded with websites, blogs, and forums. So the odds of putting up a blog and making it on the first page of google are slim to none.

Having said that you need to be determined to make a regular posting schedule and don't give up. And I know that I am preaching to the quire because those are my two biggest downfalls. And last but not least, never spend any more money then your willing to lose, because truth be told most websites don't make any money.

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Thank you for sharing a great tips and guides. I am planning to be a blogger and definitely I will note your advice. Cheers!

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Glad to be of help guys! Keep up with your progress and I am sure that you will reach a new milestone in your blogging and writing careers soon enough. Also, don't forget to share your achievements here with us so that we may feel encouragement and probably some inspiration and motivation to do the same. Cheers!

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I will get back here and tell my feedback on my journey in becoming a blogger. Thank you again!

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Ugghhh!!!! I sure hope that you are right in this. It is progressing quite slowly, and I have definitely been hit with some disappointments and setbacks. These are great tips here, and I am learning exponentially every day, but I have to remember to be patient and that Rome wasn't built in a day. Although that is cliche, at this point, it is so totally true. I did have an incredible achievement recently; my second collection of poetry has just come out on a US/UK press and will be available for purchase soon, so I am trying to count my blessings there.

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That is true. That is my problem and now I haven't got the time to make some improvements when it comes to my writing skills. Now it is purely a hobby for me and nothing more. I don't want to make it a career because I know that it isn't for me. I am enjoying writing sometimes and I feel like this is for the best instead of following an illusive dream. Advice To The Newbie Blogger

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Joe, you have to remember there is no rhyme or reason why a website makes it big. Some people invest their life savings in hopes of making it rich and live on easy street. And there are other people who don't put a dime on their website and they strike a gold mine.

And I have seen it go both ways, I watched a guy spend $40k on a forum for paid posting and advertising and it died a month after he quit paying. And I saw another guy put nothing on his website and have a million posts after 2 years. So the best advice that I can give is to keep up the good work and never put any more money into your website then your willing to lose.

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Thank you for giving us good ideas. I am still learning about how to be an effective blogger, and your post is the most straight-forward tips I read so far.

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Thanks for the tip. This is the one thing that I want to start so I can start to do other things like affiliate marketing. I want to start a new site for a new blog to gain traffic and open up a potential business but I'm lacking an Idea on what or where to start it. This really helps me a lot. Hope I can think of a new blog that would really make a good start. Advice To The Newbie Blogger

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I think you summed up most of the points. I have noticed that being consistent with the niche can be a bit harder. And lot of people don't want to follow that part. And another thing is that you have to be really good at the keywords and the SEO. I think increasing views and getting traffic to convert should be the sole purpose is what I think in that case.

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These are very valuable tips, I want to join them and add that it is important to have your own opinion in everything, to be unique. It is interesting and high-quality to submit content. If you create a photo-do it the way only you can. Individuality is very much appreciated. The quality of your content is also of great importance, so if necessary, I advise you to use ai image upscaler

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Start Networking Immediately,When i say networking, I don’t mean start plugging everything with an internet connection into your router, I mean getting to know people in your field.
In business, connections are everything. As the saying goes: It’s all about who you know.
The same holds true about blogging, except blogging doesn’t require you to be anywhere in particular. Instead you can network by using social sites like LinkedIn or the old fashioned way: commenting on other blogs and emailing their owners. it helps a lot.

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This is something i did not do as I should have. I did not start networking right out of the gate, and I think that I missed some really good opportunities because of that, to be honest. I am playing catch-up now. I still have a good solid basic audience; however, I could have been a lot smarter and more successful in building my audience if I had know then what I know now since I have been doing further research and also learning from these forums.

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This is a great advice. I am also starting to blog. and I have written several short articles that I would like to blog. Do you have any suggestion for a good blog site? Thanks!

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I used to blog a bit about being a preschool teacher. I enjoyed it, but when I changed jobs I found that I just didn't have the time for it anymore. Here are my tips:

1 Set a schedule for publishing. This can keep visitors coming back, as they'll start to get excited for the upcoming posts.

2 Invite guest writers every so often. Connect with other bloggers so you can share some traffic. Guest bloggers also keep your blog fresh and interesting.

3 Keep it fun. If you try to do too much too soon, you're apt to burn out and start to view your blog as a chore.

I'd like to share the resource -

Sign up as an influencer to connect with other bloggers and brands (if you are interested in making money with your blog).

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I have applied all that to my blog as well.Haven't seen any major breakthrough yet but I'm guessing it's a matter of time only. Nevertheless, I have to say it's been lots of fun. Writing has been a stress relief activity for me and hardly felt like a job.

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I'm almost a newbie but in this short time I have learnt one or two things.

Blogging needs passion so develop one.

Go for a niche you understand well and can write on it well.

Don't be lazy, strive to update it daily.

Surf the net for all your blogging worries

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Thanks for this great post and response. I am guilty of not doing number one in your list. I have been pretty sporadic at the two blogs I am running right now, and I know that is a major blogging crime, so to speak. You have to generate that anticipation and excitement in your audience, just like they were waiting to see the next episode of their favorite TV show which had left them on a cliffhanger from the previous episode. If they show up expecting the material, and it is not there when they thought it would be, is it likely they will even come back again?

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The first and foremost thing is you need to produce original and unique article. If you write on the same topic that has been written million times, it will never work. Find topics that have not been covered extensively.
Second thing is you must know SEO. Without knowledge and skills on SEO, you will never survive the internet rapids. You can of course hire an SEO expert, however, your own SEO knowledge is more important than hiring an expert.
Thirdly, you must know how to network. Through networking you will find visitors and clients.

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I find your post very informative and assertive. Thanks for your advice even though Im not yet a blogger Im considering making one. I dknt know much about SEO but i will research about that. Thanks!

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SEO, in simple term, is a technique to improve the visibility of your website/blogs on search engines. SEO can be as complicated as improving site speed and site design, and as simple as using your website url as a signature on a forum.
The most important factor for SEO is finding the right keyword for your blog posts and using those keywords on your blog posts. You must find keywords that are less competitive yet have high search hits.

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Well I can only give 3 pieces of advice to the youtube blogger newbies. First, have a good quality camera but for newbies I recommend Panasonic HC-V770K Full HD Camcorder. When using cellphone for video Iphone has a good quality and or samsung galaxy S8 but anyway just research to the net the best video camera for newbies. Second, be sure to love what you do and be honest. for example you're making blogs about online jobs, tell them the disadvantages and advantages, make clear yourself explaining the step by step, etc. And third, always make interesting video, informative, and reliable so you can have a lot of thumbs up and more subscribers. Remember, the more subscribers you have the more you gain advertisement, means a lot of bucks in your pocket.

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My advice would be focus on traffic that converts. You don't want every person to read your blog or the content. That is a bad recipe for you to put across online. This is the way you are going to have it's set of issues with the content promotion. You may have to understand that each one of us are going to have different experience with the blogging. And that's something we all have to match for the content.

I think traffic and the backlinks and some personal connection is what makes the blog succeed online. That's something I'd try to manage for sure as well.

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This is definitely good advice here. You are talking about having a target audience, which is really smart and preferable by all means. I still haven't totally figured out backlinks yet, but I am working on that as I go. You must distinguish yourself, and the properly targeted audience which is dependable is much better than the wide random audience which is, of course, willy-nilly and hit or miss.

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You ask for three but there could be a lot. I summarize my humble advice though to three points, first is, decide on which topic your blog will tackle, what are you trying to discuss with your soon to be readers. Is it going to be a log of your personal experience or will you discuss a particular niche you're really passionate about? Secondly, how will you reach your audience, there are lots of way to get readers with the same interest but how to acquire and make them subscribe to your blog will depend on how compelling your posts and contribution is. Most of the time you will encounter a phrase which tells "Content is King", a well written and informative posts that were only based on facts, will gather your audience and spread across everyone as it helps a lot of readers understand a specific topic you discussed. Third is engaging with your readers, finding out what your readers want to read as most of the time your visitors will skim only your content and what will grab their attention would be topic that will relate in their everyday life.

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Hello there--yes, I know there are probably much more than three concerns when it comes to starting a successful bog; however, I thought I would limit the scope of the query so that the responders would really, or hopefully, prioritize, to a degree, the hierarchy of importance in their responses. I am sure that the concerns are myriad! I really like what you are saying here in terms of paying attention to and engaging with your audience and understanding their desires and needs when they come to read your original content. I also believe that you must be very informed in your subject matter. Your audience needs to be able to trust you as a reliable source or information, entertainment, and certainly both of these things.

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My advice would be start a blog about something important and fun... And be well-versed on that subject or topic. Whatever you do, don't start up a gossip blog. We already have enough of those. Also those sorts of sites run into all kinds of legal troubles when people file lawsuits for slander or false stories being printed. They do get high traffic though, but the trouble that comes with them isn't worth it.

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You need to look for topics that most people are interested in. This is very important. My friend has a blog where she normally writes about the places that she has visited and her different experiences. Currently she is somewhat disappointed as she can't attract much people to her blog. She has decided to write about other stuffs now. Make as much research as possible especially when you are writing about topics that you are not well versed in. You need to make sure that your content is of high quality and find a catchy title. You can also advertise on social media sites and this is very effective to increase traffic to your blog.

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I grapple with this concept--do I choose topics which are very relative to a wide audience, or do I stick to my original and heartfelt material and try to just accumulate a dedicated target audience in my own particular niche? I agree that we must all research our topics and produce the best content as possible for our consumers, but how do we attract people to our blogs while staying true to our passions and visions in our writing? I guess there is a lot of compromise to be made, but I can't just change my content in order to garner a bigger audience. I know that you are not suggesting this, but your post got me to thinking about these things.

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Find a niche where you are comfortable and will be enjoying yourself while making a content to. That for me is the best way to start your blogging and make some penny out of it.

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While starting out as a blogger, there are lots of tips to learn and lots of technicalities to understand. Blogging starts from choosing a suitable platform where all blog posts are made. For newbies, it is always advisable to start blogging with Blogger. Blogger is one of the few blogging platforms most suitable for newbies. It is owned by Google and search engine optimized. The process of adding a blog to sitemap is quite simple with Blogger.

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I started with, but the pages there are not very customizable at all, and the options are not as user friendly as I would prefer. I am contemplating moving to Word Press now and taking all of my materials and reincarnating the blogs over there, but this seems like it will be quite the undertaking, and I need to somehow find the time to do it. The proper platform and appearance of the blog is crucial, so I want to get the best options possible for me and what I am attempting to do.

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Make sure that if you blog, you write things that really interests you. Don't create just because someone told you so. You blog because you like it and you are very comfortable doing it.

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I agree that doing your blog needs commitment to the things you want to write. Also you must be very interested so that the outcome will be interesting that will make your readers to be curious and enjoy your blog.

For the tips on doing a blog you need to follow this steps. First thing you should do is to list down the things that interest you and your passion so that if some readers have question you will be able to answer their questions. Next is to research things related to your chosen topic because additional information are better than the information you only have. Then when you start writing put your heart on it and be as creative as you can. Lastly ask for opinions about the blog you have written. Enjoy writing your blog.

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I agree. I have seen a lot of people who start writing about a certain topic just because it was the trend of that particular time and eventually they lose steam or the trend dies and they are left with a site that can't evolve much further. I would say this is probably the most important tip for anyone just starting to blog because you really shouldn't be doing it for any other reason other than it interests you since the quality of the product relies heavily on whether or not that passion translates onto the writing.

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The most important things when it comes to blogging include 1. the platform that you choose to create your blog, 2. picking a topic that would be very appealing to people and 3. your personal insight about this business since you have to be innovative when you want to last in this kind of field. Ask yourself if you really like to do this, if this is really your thing and what ways could you excel in this field.

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Asking yourself if you really want to do this is important when blogging is involved. I mean the income might not start coming in at the beginning, but doing what you enjoy is good.

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I would like to add these tips:
1. You should have a good grammar (well, obviously)
2. Trust your skills as a blogger
3. Learn how to advertise your blog
4. (IMPORTANT!) Communicate with your readers - if you write a blog, you should also keep in mind that you are telling story to someone or to your viewers so don't forget to communicate with them in your article like using 'Do you ever...' or 'Am I right?'. It is important because it will make your readers hooked up in your blogs.

I hope these can help Advice To The Newbie Blogger

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Thank you for sharing tips! I will note this one. Cheers!

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I am new to blogging and I must say that I appreciate all of the advice that everyone has given. I also feel that you should be creative and unique while being yourself. I feel that honesty and being you will be important as well as having belief in yourself. I am having a great time reading and responding to different blogs and I am excited to start one of my own.

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Being creative is as important as anything in the sense that it is the only way to keep your readers engaged and involved in contents that you post on the blog.

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If you have a new blog and you want it to be popular, do all the effort to advertise it. You can it online by using social media platforms that is very common nowadays because it's really easy and more efficient. Try posting about your blog and encourage people to come take a look at your blog. Physical endorsement of your blog to people nearest to you is also one of the best way of making blog popular. Ask your family, friends, and relatives to visit your blog and also endorse it to people nearest to them. In that way, your blog can be more popular easily and can spread widely.

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My advice to the newbie blogger is you should be prepared to yourself and make sure you have time to focus in this field. You must use the search engine optimization if you have a website for your rankings to put you in the top. Being blogger must have a patience in personality. You must think the topics which is best demand by audiences or visitor to rate you good and to earn better money.

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