
What is your go to Mobile OS - Android or iOS?

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What is your go to Mobile OS - Android or iOS?

I recently bought and iPhone 7 after around 6 years of using android ( my last iPhone was the iPhone 4) and I'm really enjoying it. I used to only read the spec sheet of phones, and Apple phones always seemed to lack behind in RAM, processing power etc. However I feel like their OS is really optimised, and I can do most things without any lag. The only thing I dislike is the small battery, but that I can live with. What's your opinion, which OS do you like the best?


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I am sorry but I don't really like the Apple products in general. I have never bought one but I did try out a few of them - I think the last one that I did test was the iPhone 6 when my friend bought it. I just feel like it's overpriced for the things it offers and it lacks some features that the Android phones tend to have.

That's why I have always opted to buy phones with the Andriod OS - I'm specifically a Samsung fan What is your go to Mobile OS - Android or iOS? I've been going through the Samsung phones for years now and I absolutely love them as well as the Android itself. I feel like Android runs far better, has nicer features, is more optimized and it even has better apps.

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Yes, apple products are a little bit overpriced and if you will consider the specifications, android phones can actually raise the bar of the smartphone game just like apple products tend to do.

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I'm of the same mindset as you: I think that Apple products are overpriced. However, that did not stop my from making the change to an iOS phone. I'd been an Android person until about a year ago when I made the switch. Several of my Droid and other Android phones had gone out on me and I'd had to use my warranty to have replacement phones sent to me. I made the switch to Apple because even though I knew it was a little more expensive, the quality of the phone was going to be better than the Androids I was used to.

I was not mistaken. It's been over a year since I switched, and my phone works just as fast as the day I unboxed it. No issues at all with it, and the interface and functionality just makes sense me to. I do think I'll go back to Android anytime soon!

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Apple products are expensive compared to other products. I have never used IOS, but my brother uses iphone. The iphone is quite stylish and slim. The user interface is good. I have used andriod all my life. The google play store is full of amazing apps. Though my Android phone crashes a few times, I love Android as it is a lot cheaper than IOS operating devices.

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I started out using Apple devices but I found that iOS is a bit confined and strict with its download protocols so I tried Android and never stopped using it eversince.

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Android User here since day 1 of android existence. If you are quite a techy person like me who knows how to root systems and hack downloads thru your android phone, you will never ever use IOS products ever. Everything in android system is as convenient as eating your french fries with flavored cheese. I know, because its generally proven that android works better for many people than IOS. When IOS upgrades, it just changes its version number, thats it. When Android does it, its a whole new level upgrade. Everything changes with same level of ease of use. Android Forevah!

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Hi geloi. The Android phone indeed has been meticulously designed over the years to the point that those like yourself and myself who have been devout Android phone users have nicely witnessed the upgrades from one software version 4.0 to the latest software version 7.0. These upgrades not only have made Androids smarter and more precise, yet allowed the Android user to have fun in the process--just like iPhone users, I'm sure. Although, I am not a hacking fan, it is fantastic to know that you seem to have great otherwise uses for the phone for a very long time to come. (smiles)

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I prefer android over iPhone but, both have their pros/cons. Most android phones have a better battery compared to the small iPhone. Although ios does have better battery management. The iPhone OS ios also has iMessage which is in my opinion the best messaging system/application ever made, its just so easy. Android on the other hand has cheaper phones usually with bigger batteries. Also the OS allows for so much more customization and freedom letting you do what you want. If your Android phone isn't locked down you can root it and expand it even further. Thats what I like about android the most, the freedom to make your phone your phone unlike all iPhones looking the same.

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I have never had an iPhone because they are much more expensive than Android phones like Samsung or LG. I like Android and I didn't have any issues with it, I think it's a good operating system. There are many apps for it so I don't feel like I'm excluded from something not owning an iPhone.

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I agree having Android phone is good as having an IOS phone because there are things that Android phones can do that IOS can't do, vice versa. I also love my android phone because it is cheap and it does what I want it to do. It also helps me in my daily activities and the applications are very easy to download so it is very convenient for me. Hope you feel the same.

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I don't like Apple products either. If you aren't jailbreaking it then it's basically for, well basic use. Unlike the android phones wherein you can customized almost everything. There are custom ROMs that would probably a game changer. Even without modifications, android already offers opensource so there'll be no conflicts or legal actions needed if you wish to modify it's system.

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This is very interesting, because I didn't realize customization was such a huge factor for people in their phone decision. I don't use my phone for anything outrageous, just general social media/web browsing/texting/light photo editing, so I've never had a need to fully customize my phone.

Maybe that's an additional reason as to why I'm fine with owning an iPhone.

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Well it is really interesting indeed. And it's not everyday you see someone (like myself) having fun tweaking system and modifying it. The "normal" person who would buy a phone will sometimes just look at the RAM, storage space, camera and battery life, yes? But I don't see it like that. I mean, yes of course those are basics. But I think differently. I see to it that the unit has development support from private users specially on XDA. I also see to it that I can always revive it using software recoveries in cases of hangs, lags or force closes. Another thing which I like is, to tinker the system. What is your go to Mobile OS - Android or iOS?

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Android is the Mobile OS that I am accustomed to, for many years I have only used it. It has more advantages since it is readily available to users of different types of mobile phones, unlike the Apple IOS which is just limited to certain phones that are too expensive for everyone to afford.

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The availability of the Android mobile OS is one that has made them dominate the market for a long period of time which is good as long as I am concerned. I mean that you get to see lots of people that are using the Android mobile and when there is fault with the device, you can easily get it repaired as well.

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I've never had an IOS phone but ive tried using an iPhone from my friends, but I use Android, aside from being "user-friendly" its way more cheaper than IOS.

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That's very interesting, because as someone who used to be a die-hard Android fan who switched to Apple recently, I've found the iPhone's interface and functionality to be more user friendly than Android.

What is it about Android phones that makes them more user friendly for you?

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For me, you can use a phones maximum functionality when its "rooted" on android and for IOS if I'm not mistaken its called "jail break" and to jail break an IOS phone you need to do a lot of things and its so complicated. Its easier to root an android phone.

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I go for Android. its really convenient and I'm not having a hard time manipulating it. its very convenient as well since that the applications are easy to download and use. Most of the time when I need help to fix it, my brother actually help me with it!

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For me, Android beats IOS when it comes to accessibility. In android devices, we can transfer files with an ease and Android is very user friendly. Even you are new to smartphones, you can easily setup your phone without finding someone to help you. Second, android can be rooted so that you can have the full access on your phone. You can do whatever you want like replacing your stock ROM or tweaking your smartphone for better performance. But when it come to security, I go with IOS since apple is one of the top technology in the world. You assure that their devices are high quality devices.

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I have been using an iPhone 4S which I got from my father when my other cell phone broke down and I have to say that it's one piece of equipment. It's still going strong even though I have had it for almost ten years now. If I had to buy a new cell phone I don't think I would get an Iphony because of the price but nobody can deny that it is a good cell phone.

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I've been using android phone, the accessibility of the android is more easier than IOS, you can do anything in android without any hassle, using Android phone for me works best, but there's no denying it that IOS is faster than Android phones and more durable in terms of quality.

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I have only android phones, I haven't tried IOS phones because it is so expensive. In terms of interface , IOS is superior, faster than android but the only problem is the application in IOS, you need to pay to get well known apps. Unlike android apps, most of them you can get it for free. About IOS phone also, if you are living in Asian region like Philippines, too many fake IOS phones being sold here.

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I prefer using android OS rather that IOS. I'm currently using samsung and I am enjoying using it. Both OS has pro's and con's. I think it depends on a person on what they want to choose. I think many people use android because it is more cheap. But the main advantages of android is, it is more flexible, you can do a lot of stuff and android has more application to download rather that IOS.

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I'm an android user and it's much more customer friendly than IOS. Sharing is very much more convenient to Android rather than in IOS because it applies the rules that it can share and connect to same IOS user only. This is the main reason why I always prefer having an Android compared to having an IOS built cellphone

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I've been an iOS user for about three years now, and all the Android devices I have tried along the way (via friends I mean) have been absolutely horrible in comparison: slow, laggy, crashing, bad support... I really can't see any reason to change to an Android device at all, and once the time comes to finally upgrade my phone I will just get a new iPhone because it simply makes my life so much more easier.

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I've had a similar experience to you, and that's why I made switch to Apple. Of all the Android phones I owned, only one ever impressed me with it's quality: The HTC One. The phones I had before it would get slow and on some, the touch screen quit working, charging ports quit working, and that sort of stuff.

The iPhones are more expensive than Androids in general, but I've found their reliability and functionality to be better in my opinion. My iPhone is nearly two years old and still operates like the day I took it out of the box, which I really appreciate. This is something my friends told me about their MacBooks as well: that their computers after 4 or 5 years still worked just the same as when they bought them.

That's a huge selling point for me.

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For me, Android OS because Android, like Windows, it's open to all. I mean if you compared to iOS, it is only available to different Apple products. When you compared the device itself, android phones are more accessible than Apple. Because if you need a repair for your Apple device, you should only go to Apple store. Even it's batter is hard to replace. But in application wise, iOS is better because some of the good games are only available to iOS.

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I'm and Android user and I'll vote for Android. Android has more apps. There are more apps available in the Google Play Store than in the App Store. At the moment there are a little over 2 million available for the App Store, whereas the Google Play Store has 2.5 million. Another advantage is that it's much much cheaper to buy Android phones compared to phones from Apple running iOS. Android is also customizable. Android devices let you change just about every aspect of their on-screen appearance – from the keyboard, to the homescreen launcher, to your email app. If you get CyanogenMod, you can pretty much strip away any unnecessary features that come pre-loaded on your phone.

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I prefer Android OS the reason being most of the simple tasks are done easily. The phones are pretty much cheap. And you can use them for longer time. It's not like you have to change OS every 6 months or so. Once a year OS is changed. And hardware can be replaced every 2 years. And due to this reason I prefer to use the Andorid. iOS based Apple phones are expensive. And they cost a lot of money to keep in case if they get damaged. So I am more of fan of the Android OS in that case.

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Android phones just suit my needs as a user. I'm a heavy user that's why I need a daily driver that I can use for a very long time without needing to recharge it every single time. We all know that apple products have better processor and camera but a little bit poor when it comes to their battery life, that's why I chose to be an android user.

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That's a very interesting view on things. I agree, battery life is a very important factor, but I've found that my iPhone's battery life is far superior to the HTC phone I had before it. And I loved that HTC phone. I don't do any heavy gaming on my phone or use it constantly necessarily, but I could definitely go a couple days without charging if I had to.

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Even I'm an IOS user I prefer using andoid OS for some reasons like getting some files immediately without doing more procedures. Android OS is so flexible and at the same you can afford this on cheap price. I use IOS because I love taking photos that I can post on social medias especially on Instagram.

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i would definitely choose Android over IOS simply because, Android is an open source to all developers meaning you can pretty much modify your phone. from themes, icons, keyboard layout and more. Plus, apps for android are everywhere. you can download it to playstore or you can simply google an .apk app. Also it has a feature of modifying your ROM to make your phone perform beyond its performance. I personally have an S6 edge+ and i modify it to S8+ ROM. And now my phone looks like S8+ without upgrading or buying a new one. It has almost all of the features that a flagship Android Phone has when it comes to the software. I bet that is something that an IOS cannot do.

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Well in the question, what is your go to mobile OS I would say that Android will won over iOS hands down for Android is like an open book where you can customize and download whatever you want without being restriction to do so. While in the other hand iOS would mostly related to money in downloading stuffs which is irritating but I will used as a back-up phone for it has some good features such us it's camera and it doesn't that much lag compare to Android. God bless and thank you.

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honestly i go for android i love android os rather than ios from apple because its offers a lot of functionality some programmer advance setting you can modify too the os of android you can jailbreak it to make your own style and it has many options in using it lots of different user interface. but also ios from apple not that extreme when your a programmer but if your selfie lover more on videos more on speed i think you can go for apple ios it offers it all but for hard duty thing go for android.

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I currently have an Android phone which is 6.0 Marshmallow OS. I prefer android models rather than ios, cause they were costly and with my situation I have a limited income.
Well I guess if I was given a chance to have an IOS phone then certainly I will accept it, for me to try it and experience what's good in this device.

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I am using iOS since the first iPhone and i have never changed to an android phone. The first time i used an iPhone was a mind blowing experience. The next day i went to a local book store and bought a book about iPhone development. I created my first iPhone app and i was really happy. As a developer and a user i have to say that the iOS has a smooth interface design. Stock android phones are pretty good in terms of smoothness. A disadvantage is the battery life. It's not as good as it should be taking into consideration the money you have to pay to buy an iPhone. The battery life of low budget android phones is better than the battery life of an iPhone. The most important thing about buying an iPhone is that you can find a lot of apps which are created and tested correctly by apple engineers to satisfy your everyday needs. If you do not have the money try to spend them on a good budget android phone but if you are willing to pay the money for the best in my opinion operating system go for an iPhone so you can try iOS. Thanks for reading my post!

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I wouldn't call myself a fanboy by any means, as I don't really feel that intensely towards one brand or the other, but for the most part I've been using Android based phones and have been completely content with them. My initial experience with iOS came in the form of my first generation iPod Touch, and while it was by no means a bad device, I found it to be both unstable at times and inconvenient. iOS devices annoy me because I hate being limited to using iTunes in order to transfer content. I like Android more because I plug it into my computer, I drag and drop the files, and that's the end. No programs, no nothing. Its simpler, and that's why I like it more.

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I prefer using android phones because I have the freedom to do things I can not do with the apple iOS. The developers have also addressed and solved the problems encountered with the older versions using the newer ones which made the android phones easier to use. Besides, the Android operating system is much more practical to use because sometimes I modify my system's structure or program depending on how I want it to work.

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I am a andriod user, i like it because it is easy to use than ios.I think its very easy to ise and it has a affordable price.

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I've been using android phones for 5yrs now there are advantages and disadvantages. for android a wide selection of phone brands are available (also much cheaper) and regarding apps it has more freedom in optimizing (modding) apps, disadvantages are lots of OS bugs to be honest which causes lag sometimes.

For Iphone IOS it is true that the phone's spec is quite low compared to its competitors but I do agree with you that IOS is more optimize to have smooth UI during usage and less lag.

I would still go for android though since IOS products are quite expensive for me What is your go to Mobile OS - Android or iOS?

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For me it's android over Ios, simply because I had used android ever since. I've also tried Apple products that has Ios, I admit it's good in terms of quality but it's just not for everyone. Definitely the answer is because it's just too expensive for just having your mobile phone. Most people would only go for 200-300 dollars but over 500-1000 dollars just ain't right for me. Specially nowadays where technology is at upgrading at a very high speed, where even if you buy the latest android or ios its just gonna be overlap by new product in about 6 months. So why bother buy expensive phones?

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I prefer using android products that apple products. Androids are much easier for me to operate and also considering the cost layout of acquiring an iPhone, it's wealthy class of people that do so.

Also one should consider the possibility of repairing the phone when it's damaged. Android is way too easy to be repaired compared to iPhone.

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I've never used Apple products except for the iPod from before! LOL But I'm very much willing to try it out later on. I'm an Android user ever since. I guess I'm just used to the system that's why I'm a bit afraid of trying out IOS. Nonetheless, I honestly do not have enough funds to buy myself an iPhone since I'm a new mom, I'm more into buying my little girl her needs. I guess if I could save up enough money I would buy the latest model of Apple but would still be keeping my android device.

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The only iOS device that I have ever used was an iPod 4G. When the device broke, I did not repair or bought another iPod. When I hear people praising iOS device. I also want to get an iPhone for myself, however, I don't have a budget for an iPhone. Therefore, my ideal choice is Android. I am using Samsung phone and tab.

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I was an Android user for a while, but I have several of their phones go out on me in a row. They stopped charging, the touch screens stopped working, or they became unresponsive. They were all within their warranty dates, so I was able to get them replaced, but it was still a huge hassle. I ended my stint with Android with an HTC One, which was the best Android phone I had ever owned.

I've since moved to iOS, and I would not go back. I know Apple products are pretty overpriced, but I've found that in my case, paying some extra for a device that will function well for an extended period of time is worth it. I do like the Apple ecosystem as well, as my phone and MacBook are able to interact with one another, allowing me to get messages on either device and also Airdrop files back and forth. I would not, however, ever buy an iMac, due to the fact that I can design a more powerful PC for far less and have upgrade capabilities for years to come.

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iPhones are really expensive and I don't want to waste so much money on buying them. I need a phone mostly to contact people and play games and those features are available on an android phone itself. I have always been using android phones and never had any issues so far. I also think that it is easier to use android phones.

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I prefer IOS, because when it comes to gadgets, the importance of speed to me can not be over emphasized and when it comes been fast and smooth, i give it to IOS, you'll see that the iPhone really stretches its lead once it starts to open apps that are stored in the background. And the supposedly faster iPhone 8 isn't even out yet! Apple's advantage comes from better hardware and
software integration and controlling both sides of the equation. The iPhone 7's 3D Touch display is smart enough to sense pressure, allowing you to take quick actions from the home screen just by long pressing on an app icon. Or you could peek at that email just by lightly tapping on it in your inbox. Sure, Android phones have offered haptic feedback for ages, but the Taptic engine in the new iPhones is super efficient.

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Most of the people in my country don't really use iOS and it's not that spread here, so I don't use it too, but that's because I'm not really a big fan of Apple products, they are of high quality, however they are certainly over priced and you can get something with better technical specifications and even a better look for a lower amount of money. If you are a follower of the brand then you'd most likely buy every single new product, expensive or not. Android is the one for me.

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I've always had Android and I think I will probably always have Android on my phones. It's just the better software. It has everything that you could ever need. The fact that iOS is only getting things now that Android has had for ages just shows you which one is better to be fair. It's extremely easy to use and the fact that you can customise anything and everything is just amazing.

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I love android vast collections of free and paid apps. I tried using an IOS device too but it didn't work out for me, Since some apps don't support ios device's. Android has more options and customization's and its easier for me to understand. It fits my budget and it fits with my daily life helping me get through on my daily task.

Both Devices have up's and down's but in the end of the day I'll still pick android.

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I tried both OS. I am using iphone 6 now and I can say I am satisfied with its performance. But when it comes to downloading files, I would say Android is better. Sharing files with ios will give you a hard time, too. With android, you can do it smoothly. So if you love downloading and sharing files, android is for you.

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I am an Android user since I grow up playing games using my Fathers phone. Android games are the best and here is my main reason why I love the Android OS. The reason is whenever you can’t play games because you need to buy it and it’s expensive (not all games) but you want to really play the game, the solution is you can just download it right away in your browser and play it
freely without consuming money and it’s hassle free. But with IOS devices I find this hard to deal with, I guess IOS is for socializing only.

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The first mobile phone I used is an android phone and I easily learned the phone's interface. Android phones are much easier to use for me since you can find all you need in it's inferface, if you look for it, you can easily find it. I have tried using an iOS phone one, in my first time of using it I am so confused on its interface, I don't know that safari is the phone's browser, no back button, app store is tricky and it is hard to operate the interface. So for me Android is the best OS in terms of user friendly interface and also gaming, documentation, communication, camera and application library.

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I am not a fan of IOS since day one because of the convenience that Android Os brings to the users, which myself happens to be one of. Since I started using the smartphone last 4 years, I always based my mobile products on android not minding what Apple products got to offer. one of the benefits of having an android device is that you can root the OS and always replace it with a higher version of the OS and that saves one lot of money of buying a new device because of new features.

Most of my friends here agree with my idea that Android smartphones come handy and last longer than the IOS, not because of anything but for it is easier to repair an android device if issues arise than repairing the Apple products.

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As for my opinion, Ill find easy to have access in android. I have ipad and android phone so I must the two everyday, my Ipad for gaming and my android phone for social media, browsing etc. For me when it comes to choosing between android and ios, I prefer the android because in android, almost all of the internet site is easy to access but in ios it requires more password. So for me android is much easier to use than ios so I prefer to choose android.

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I have an S8 plus and it has the newest android avaible that being android 7 and it is pretty good i can not say anything bad about it.
I don't enjoy having an apple product because in my opinion they are overpriced.

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I have a Gran Prime, and for whatever I need, it work just good. I'm not the best person to have a review or a strong opinion about smartphones since I'm not really into it. But I would never buy a iPhone. Personal conviction, although. Do they seems good? Of course, but I seriously think they are much overpriced. Far from my reality.
People here in Brazil love iPhones. It give them "status", since the price of them here are ridiculously expensive.

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Apple is expensive, YES. But, if you compare the quality of the product between an IOS or an Android, IOS wins by far. Android maybe cheap but, it's too GENERAL. Like, you are going to be easily attacked or hacked unexpectedly due to the mass of users. Thus, making it more prone to be studied by hacker. Android also is prone on viruses which apple can boast on for it is only owned by one company that creates a reliable reputation which is why there copyright policies is strictly implemented making it secure and safe. Nevertheless, both were great in making our life more comfortable than ever.

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I would prefer android OS. Android has a lot to offer. Android phones has more exciting features like the screen setup and apps flexibility. It also is compatible to most devices unlike apple which most of the time only compatible to iOS devices. That is really pain in the butt especially if a lot of your friends have Android.

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This is exactly my thoughts about preferring Android Operating systems because it's a lot more friendly to use than that of iOS operating system. I don't even love to use iPhone, it had always been android for me and my family.

iOS is pretty much expensive for me to buy, so I practically have no choice but to go with Android phone.

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My go to mobile OS is the android, because it is much cheaper and easier to use. It is a generic device and OS. It can be used easily and sharing files is easy. Plus iOS is so private. It is not accessible in other computers unlike android systems.

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I am more used to IOS but I agree with your post the most. I would not say that either is better than the other because they both have something different and unique to offer, but what you mentioned is really something I would have liked to see in IOS devices which is better accessibility for computers. I have only gotten to use Android a bit from some of my family members and it did seem very easy to transfer files between the laptop and the devices.

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Android all the way. I don't care if people say that i'm lazy because the system is super easy to use, why do I have to get a more complicated system if there is a super easy one? Also, android phones use to be cheaper than IOS ones, and what about the apps? Android offers zillions of apps for free, while on iOS you have to pay for them. I've always had Android on my cell phones, tablets, and it works really great.

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Android phone is better than that ios. Android has all the capability the apple does. The prize is so expensive not like the android. Android supports lots of applications. Many thanks to android people who are experiencing money shortage can now afford and experience a phone which is really good and has a satisfactory usage however there are some android phones which doesn't function well and still depends on the price but double the cheaper than IOS.

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I definitely prefer Android than IOS, not because I haven't had it before but because you can't do a lot of things like an Android user can do. In Android, you can do a lot of things and there are no restrictions, unlike in IOS which you need to jailbreak it in order to put music or anything. Android is Customizable and User-friendly.

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I totally agree with the things you said about Android and IOS. In android OS interms of costumizability you can change almost anything unlike IOS that it is limited unless it was jailbroken. In android you can share files from other android users using bluetooth while in ISO it doesn't have a bluetooth so you need another software or application in order to share files. But in terms of features I will choose IOS becase it has a lot of features you can play or use. Though what ever might your phone is they are both good Operating System that helps people to interact with their phones.

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This is exactly my feeling when it comes to choosing between android and iOS. In fact, if I'm being honest, I have never used iOS device before or do I ever wish to use it because android devices offers more freedom to use than what iOS offers. Android is more users friendly than what is experienced in using iPhone.

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For phones, I've always been an Android user, but I have also owned an iTouch so I can still access the Apple Store apps. I have to say though, Android does offer more flexibility. I feel like I have more control over how I want to customize my phone whereas iOS is pretty rigid and doesn't have as many options. iOS is easier for people who don't need to tweak anything and just use their phone as is.

While I do think Android still has a lot to learn regarding security, and iOS has always made user security a priority, I still like how you have more choice both in software and in hardware with Android, so I don't see myself switching anytime soon.

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I've always prioritized android over iOS from the start. Apple's overpriced gadgets really is a turn off for me, you can get the same system specification for an android phone much cheaper compared to the IOS. Other trusted vendors for the android like samsung offers quality OS that can run smoothly so there won't be much difference. Only difference here is that I noticed that you can feel the resources being optimized for use in the iOS but i still think that it does not give justice to the price. Also if you are looking for customizability, you'd definitely want to go to android because it is an open source platform, you can find what you are looking for if you search well enough in the internet.

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I'd go for Android because it is widely available in many users and is compatible with any device except iPhone. If I want to go for a more private OS, apple will definitely be a good choice because its secure features and you can't share infos and files between an android and an iPhone users.

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I absolutely agree with those who say that iPhones are more complicated than android because I personally struggled with downloading a few apps on the iPhone and I really had a headache until I saw some friends how easy it is to do this on android and I changed the phone. Now I have samsung z flip and I am done with the headaches, they are over and I am very happy that I made the right choice at the right time. And by the way, I also paid less than I did on the iPhone and if you want such a great deal I recommend you to access samsung z flip price.

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I disagree, iPhones are easy to use

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Well, to be honest, the iPhone is a bit pricey in my opinion. Only Apple can sell you 3 years in a row, the same phone, with almost the same device, almost the same specs, and features, but every time with a new price list. Anyway, it still remains the best phone to buy today, even if it is a bit pricey, it has a cool design, the best optimization, almost the best camera on the market, and a lot of other cool things that make an iPhone cost so much. What is bad about them, is their cases. If you'll drop an iPhone X from 1 meter high you have all the chances to crack its screen, well at least I cracked it. Happily, I sold it on time on,for almost the same amount of money I gave for it.

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And I won't change my mind!

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I think that both of them are really good, even if I like iOS more than Android. iOS proved us that there is no matter how much ram have a phone, because there is always one page opened, not like on the PC or tablet. They know how to optimize the system because they have the best phone processor in the world. Personally I am watching movies, make photos, play a bit and read streaming platforms reviews from Xtrium as I am working in this sphere. Xtrium is also pretty good and it is running perfectly on all the devices.

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