
Which do you prefer Sony Vegas or After Effects?

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Which do you prefer Sony Vegas or After Effects?

I used already both of them and they are such a great software for editing videos because it has a lot of tools and you can create a production where in un-imaginable by others. You can put some effects like the montage effect and so many other video effects and transitions that we see from professional video editor rendered videos. As what i saw on surveys between these two editor, mostly of respondents prefers to use after effects because of its advance most and complete packaged for them. I can't deny the fact that it is more popular and better when it comes to capability yet it is complicated and consumes a large amount of ram which causes lags during usage and rendering in short, a heavy application compared to Sony Vegas. If we talk about which software is user-friendly, i go for Sony Vegas. Almost all tools are present in this software which is in the after effects and what is good to it is it is very a user friendly application where in first timers can easily cope up and learn how to start basic editing. Counter to the applications usage related to computer specs, this is a friendly and lightweight type of video editor where in you can run this smoothly even in 32 bit with 1.6 ghz processor and 2gb ram. Currently, i am using now  Sony Vegas, so far it is very good and has a high satisfactory rating for me but soon i will do my videos with After effects because some of applicable effects are not in Vegas. 
Which do you prefer Sony Vegas or After Effects?  


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After effect is really great for making effects on your videos but it really requires high computer specs. I takes time to render your video. I use a combination of adobe after affects and adobe premiere in editing videos.

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I totally agree with you.

After Effect is really great / powerful (and one of my favorites Which do you prefer Sony Vegas or After Effects? ), but you have to have an awesome machine (I mean, a very good one) to work it... Otherwise, the headache is something that will surely happen, haha!

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Yeah that's true. The first time I tried to edit video on after effects I was using low specs laptop. I was really annoyed because my laptop lags and the result was not good. I stop using after effects until I get a new laptop that meets the requirements of after effects. But even you use high specs computer, the rendering still takes time especially if it's a very long movie.

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If you can use After Effect on a more powerful machine, I'm sure you won't regret the result. The greatness in the details that is offered to the users is something incredible (as well as those in the tool options available).

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Yes as what i observed using After Effects, it really consumes a high part of RAM of a computer so it really needs a high specs of computer to edit videos smoothly. We can't deny the fact that it is very good in editing but if you are editing only for a light change to your imported video, i recommend to use alternative light software like Sony Vegas. Every software application requires a lot of specs requirements that does not meet your computer but there are some that could help you aside from Sony Vegas that suits to your specs, you just need to search online. I heard to some people about power director but i never used it before but i want to try this application if needed.

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I'm all in support of the use of After Effects software in video editing. It offers a lot more features that would help one carry out ones video editing tasks effectively and efficiently. It's what I have been making use of from day one and not considering looking for another option.

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You don't really need to look for another application if the one that you are currently using helps you in all your needs. After effects is a good software for editing videos that allows you to render great effects to your video to make it more fantastic.

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After effects and Sony vegas are both on different line of industry. You can make use of the after effects for intro videos. Whereas the sony vegas is more or less and editor to put on the clips and the audio for the video generation. I can't compare the two. And so on that reason I'd say that filmora and the sony vegas are comparable. You can't compare the after effects in same category such as these two.

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They have the same use in terms of editing effects like super saiyan and many more and they are compared in terms of speed and how it is a user friendly to end users. I can say that they are comparable because there are lots of functions both software has. They are both doing well in terms of editing videos for good productivity or outcome. I heard a lot about Filmora also and it has good reviews. Someday i will test how it works for editors like me.

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I think the thing is that there are more plugins for those too. That's one more reason they are being praised as well. I think on that note you can see that sony vegas is preferred for audio. But for video after effects seems to be getting more demand.

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I completely disagree with you because both the software are used for video editing and tuning up of video effects. I have made use of both after effects software and Sony Vegas software for my video editing, so they are very much comparable.

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After effects has the industry demand. That's why when you look at the video jobs. You may find the need for the after effect as criteria instead of the sony vegas. There is demand for the sony vegas but not that much from what I have learned.

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For me both will do, like if you would only go for an easy and fast editing then go for Sony Vegas then if you're that artistic and likes one-of-a-kind video effects then Adobe After Effects is probably for you.

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I would always take the Sony Vegas not only because it is easy to use for newbies, but as a result of the fact that I feel at home when I'm using it to edit videos. It might not be effective like Adobe after Effects, but it still gets the work done for me.

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Im not really up to this because I am not a programmer but since this is the topic that I wanted to learn and Im really interested about this then maybe I can learn something about here by reading your threads.So upon reading here I learn a lot about on which one is better to use and as I thinking about it maybe someday if Im about to use this I would prefer to use the Sony vegas.

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Hey bro it's not about programming its all about editing and you too can learn the usage of this application through practice and experience. You can watch in Youtube some tutorials to start your editing session and this would be helpful for you especially when you have courses or business that needs an advertisements. They are both good in editing the only thing that matters is the capability of computer you have. If you only have a small specs computer, you can use Sony Vegas and if you have higher, then you can go to After effects editing. Thank you for replying in this thread friend. I am glad this helped you.

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I like the after effects it may be complicated to use but the GUI and graphics that the after effects produce is so great. And also I am much more experience user of after effects then Sony Vegas.

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Same here! I have honestly only used Sony Vegas maybe three or four times. I have always preferred After Effects and even all my friends use it. At first, I struggled but once you get the grasp and understand how much you can modify different values to get what you want, it's extremely powerful and easy.

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I have not used any of these video editing software. My video editing experience is only limited to Windows movie maker, a free program from Microsoft and Xilisoft movie maker. There is limitation on what we can do on these programs, however, for someone who does not have good skills these programs can come handy. How do you rate the difficulty level of Sony Vegas or After Effects? Are these programs very difficult to use, or can we do editing easily by reading help articles? How much these programs cost? Is there any student versions of these programs. I am interested in trying these programs.

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Adobe after effects is good for editing videos and adding effects like what can be seen on fantasy movies that the characters has superpowers or even just adding a simple effect to your video. If your not going to add superpowers and just want to enhance your video, I think adobe premier would be enough. It's complicated at first as you just start learning those software. But when you know already the tools, using it becomes easy and enjoyable. I haven't tried using sony vegas.

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I have not really used these two personally but from reviews, I believe the aftereffects is better especially the Adobe After Effects which is very good with the after production of a video.This will help the video have professional special effects and retouches.

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I have not tried using both of these program as I dont put much effect when editing videos. I use plain one, it is freemake video which has basic functions. Now if I need some effects for my videos, I do it on my phone since most of the videos I need are on my phone, i simply use viva video, it is a nice app and has many effects too. That what I use when I surprise my friend on her birthday .

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I'm more of an Adobe Premiere person when it comes to video editing. That being said, if I had to choose between Sony Vegas and After Effects, I'd still choose the Adobe product every time. I have more experience with After Effects, and it's an incredible powerful tool for animation and special effects purposes. Being that I'm so engrained in the Adobe Creative Cloud, it's hard for me to pull myself away from their products, especially since they work so well together.

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I have tried both but I always ended up using the After Effects. That software is just absolutely incredible and worth every single cent. You can literally do anything you imagine with After Effects and you'd be surprised how many intros and things similar to that are made with it.

The only thing is that you do require quite a bit of learning but luckily you can find amazing tutorials and guides all over the internet. My favorite place is YouTube.

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Yes you can literally do anything you imagine with After effects but of course with picky mindset and complicated tools. I know the software is such a great yet powerful tool for professionals even beginners. during the time i use this software, i am always having hard times to finish one of my video and because it takes time to render. This really needs a great specs of a computer.

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I can't really say much because I haven't used Sony Vegas so I can't really compare the two. But I hated my experience with After Effects. It just wasn't for me because of how hard it was to use as a beginner. Obviously, it is a pretty advanced software that is used by professionals so I doubt they care too much about a user-friendly experience too much but for me it was awful.

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Sony Vegas isn't all that complicated of an editing program. I'd say in terms of capability, it somewhere along the lines of Adobe Premiere. You can do some basic cutting, transitional effects, maybe some forms of overlays, but nothing much more complicated. That's where the key factor lies though, After Effects is on a completely different level than them. The main purpose for AFX is to create complex animations and graphics, which are then exported into a program like Premiere for basic editing. Using After Effects for basic editing is like using Photoshop just to crop a photo.

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When I initially got into filming and editing my own videos, I had tried out Sony Vegas at first. This was in my early teens when YouTube content was beginning to blossom, and I would hear from a lot of content creators that they were using Sony Vegas to edit their videos. I gave it a try, and for the most part it did everything that I wanted it to.

But then as I got older and more experienced in video editing, I turned to After Effects. Needless to say I haven't looked backed since. After Effects can do everything you both can and cannot imagine. You have all the tools you need to achieve anything your heart desires and your skill level allows. I use a combination of After Effects and Premiere for video editing, and I wouldn't imagine using anything else.

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I'm really into video editing but due to limited resources I would only use Windows. LOL. However, I will be happy to buy a new laptop with high specs that y'all saying . What kind of laptop would it be to have these both fantastic softwares? Are they downloadable or do I have to buy in store about these softwares?

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I'm newbee at video editing. I try to use both of that software and I don't have that much knowledge to explore their features. On my own opinion sony vegas is more friendly for neophytes rather than after effects. I used to watch tutorials on youtube and read articles that may help me to know their similarities and what should I use.

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Professionals when it comes to video editing will say that Adobe After Effects is really cool when you talk of editing videos and that's one thing I won't argue against, but the Sony Vegas is what I've been using and I've gotten value for my money with less stress and amazing user interface as well.

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Yes Professionals would definitely use After Effects because it is something what they wanted in their profession. The thing that is in After Effects is quite different from Sony Vegas when it comes to effects on visuals and the Presets that is built in with the software. But i can say that Sony Vegas is more user friendly than After Effects when it comes to number of tools and usage. There is a simplicity in Sony Vegas if you compare both of the application. There are things you can't find in Vegas that After Effects have and likewise. In general they are both very good when it comes to editing.

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Editing and creating cool videos is one of my hobby. I am a fan of those people who do effects in some movies. So I want to be one of them someday. After effects is my favorite tool in editing videos. There are so many effects you didn't think that it's possible. And if you get use to it, you can make many combinations to produce cool effects in videos.

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As a person whose dabbled with both? I give Adobe the slight edge for easier and smoother usability. But if Sony Vegas is all you have right now or is the only program available to you for some specific reason (i.e. location, funds, etc) then that's certainly not a terrible second option at all.

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I would go for Sony Vegas. That is because I think After Effects is advanced and for pros only. It is also used for extreme editing in videos like making the background still while there is one person moving. That requires many complicated and extreme tools so it's not great for people who are not really into extreme editing and for people whose computer device has a low RAM.

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