
Discussions about Money

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A lot of people nowadays are getting interested in investing in Cryptocurrencies. After Bitcoin's bull run last year, people saw the volatility of Cryptocurrencies as a means to earn a lot of money in a short period of ...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 28 6 years ago

    Christmas Season is Shopping Season and sometimes people tend to abuse their credit cards by splurging their credit and maxing out their limits, only to wake up neck deep on debts and past due bills. I learned my l...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 37 6 years ago

    Cryptocurrencies seem find their way slowly but steadily to mainstream markets along with public recognition. People have been buying mining gear either dedicated or consequential and gathering various alt-coins. Major e...

  • GeorgeDr
    GeorgeDr Level 1
  • 48 6 years ago

    Most of us dreams of retiring early and enjoying life without the need to worry about money. So while we can, we work hard to earn money not just to provide for our daily needs but to also plan the future. Which do you t...

  • mdayrit
    mdayrit Level 1
  • 143 7 years ago

    I've seen and watched some sucessful stories of people earning 7 figures by just dropshipping and I don't really know if it's true but I just know that it is somehow possible. And also, I have this thing in mind for so l...

  • gelotologist
    gelotologist Level 1
  • 111 7 years ago

    I'm from the Philippines and I really want to start any small business that is almost guaranteed to make profit from the start. I'm thinking of things like starting a food business because in the Philippines Everyone lov...

  • Hurry14
    Hurry14 Level 1
  • 72 8 years ago

    Christians doesn't take Christmas celebration light. In my country Nigeria, it's a period of huge expenses as one would be looking forward to impress a lot of people. Growing youths plan to make enough cash to use and ga...

  • Heatman6190
    Heatman6190 Level 1
  • 189 8 years ago

    If I win a million dollars from the lottery, I would buy a house for my parents, and of course for my husband and my little girl. I would use the money to put up my own business to let my money grow more. I would look fo...

    114 8 years ago

    please help me. i am new to this online job thing. i usually work in a corporate settings and a wanted to earn more income. thank you

  • rakidoodle
    rakidoodle Level 1
  • 43 8 years ago

    Save up your money son. Try to put a small amount from your weekly or monthly pay packet into your savings account for a rainy day or for emergencies.This was probably one of the best life hack tips my old man ever gave ...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 22 8 years ago

    Hi all. I hope you've been enjoying my posts on how to make money at Easter time! There's nothing wrong with capitalizing on Easter when you're doing it for good reasons like to pay your bills and rent and put food on th...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 5 8 years ago

    If you are a bit of a writer and you have a passion for all things seasonal, Easter especially, then you could turn those writing talents and that Easter passion into cash by writing eBooks or even running a blog that bl...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 24 8 years ago

    Hello all. Easter is coming closer every day! And as I said in my first posts on What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Every Easter. From selling Easter themed gift baskets to making and selling your own ...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 19 8 years ago

    Hello all! I hope you liked my last post on What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Every Easter. And in that post, I preposed making and selling Easter gift baskets which can sell like hot cross buns at Ea...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 15 8 years ago

    If you love kids, from babies, toddler to teenagers. Then you can make money for Christmas by being an at home day carer. It's basically just baby sitting. But this time of year, a lot of parents will want to take a day ...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 9 8 years ago

    Uber and Lyft are great taxi like services which you can use to find a driver near you. That's great if you need to get somewhere and have the Uber or Lyft app on your phone. And you might not even know it but like you c...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 14 8 years ago

    If you have really good writing skills, are literate and very opinioned. And love to leave your opinions and feedback on stuff. Whether it's the latest tech, books, cloths, cosmetics, games, movies and music and more. Yo...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 8 8 years ago

    In this method I want to share and talk about, it involves you renting out a spare room in your home or even a garage or some other out building to a temporary lodger. I'm not talking about renting full time to someone, ...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 11 8 years ago

    So in our series of ways to make money for Christmas, we've talked about holding a Yard Sale, selling your old stuff online which includes electronics and things you got last year or the year before or something since yo...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 6 8 years ago

    Okay so for a lot of people, asking them to depart with their beloved books is a last, last resort! To some people, books are very valuable to them for a myriad of reasons. Some people just like to collect books and I ha...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 13 8 years ago

    In the first method we posted on holding a Yard Sale, they can be a quick and easy way to make some extra cash if you don't mind departing with them. But you may be able to get more for those same items if you sell them ...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 12 8 years ago

    With Christmas coming just around the corner, everyone is battening down the hatches, tightening the old purse strings and cutting back to save money so they can buy their loved ones Christmas presents. And if you're try...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 14 8 years ago

    Are you a part-time photography enthusiast? Do you take quality pictures that you think are worth paying for? Why aren't you making an extra buck by selling them on ListingDock? Check out the Art and Design section: h...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 20 9 years ago

    Okay so in my 10 ways to make money from the Halloween season series so far we've had the 1st: Rent Your House as A Haunted House and 2nd: Selling Halloween Costumes. But if those money making methods aren't really ideal...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 13 9 years ago

    If my last method for making money on or from Halloween was a little too gory for you or not really practical for you to do. Not everyone wants to turn their home into a haunted house and sell it out for the night and no...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 12 9 years ago

    I am wanting to know how to add my Payoneer ID into my settings? I already have a card because i signed up to Payoneer through SEOClerks a short time ago, but currently here on Listing Dock i only see the option "Signup...

  • Sean101
    Sean101 Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

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