
Answers from user aljo67

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Christians doesn't take Christmas celebration light. In my country Nigeria, it's a period of huge expenses as one would be looking forward to impress a lot of people. Growing youths plan to make enough cash to use and ga...

  • Heatman6190
    Heatman6190 Level 1
  • 189 8 years ago

    Who usually give you advice and what is the recent one you have ever received? Did you consider it or did it just cmme out from your other ear?

    121 8 years ago

    What business can you recommend in a low cost at your local area. Im planning to franchise Dunkin dounut. But i'm thingking if which one is good making my own brand or i'll go on franchising?

  • jien0302
    jien0302 Level 1
  • 74 8 years ago

    We all have that food that when we eat gives us an instant comfort feeling either when we are tired, sick, stressed or sad. Mine is lasagna. I eat it whenever I am sad. It gives me nostalgia, it reminds me of someone spe...

  • anor0428
    anor0428 Level 1
  • 135 8 years ago

    I am going to start eating very healthy and One of my goals is to have a Flat belly just like Victoria's secret models. If you know some diet can you tell me?. I would like to know what can I eat especially for breakfast...

  • pizzalover
    pizzalover Level 1
  • 113 8 years ago

    If I win a million dollars from the lottery, I would buy a house for my parents, and of course for my husband and my little girl. I would use the money to put up my own business to let my money grow more. I would look fo...

    114 8 years ago

    When I was still a student, my classmates taught me to play assorted board games that they brought to school during Children's Day. I learned to play Chess , Snake and Ladder and Ludo. However now with the latest technol...

  • peachpurple
    peachpurple Level 1
  • 91 8 years ago

    For ladies and makeup lovers here, what is that one beauty product you can't ever live without? As for me, I would say, it's my eyebrow pencil! These days, a lot of women believe that having well-groomed eyebrows is l...

    76 8 years ago

    I am seeking a work at home, online job that pays more than a few pennies per day. I am excellent with customer service and, technical support and, there are virtual call center jobs out there but, I do not qualify for a...

  • BevH
    BevH Level 1
  • 78 8 years ago

    I have to admit that Italian food is my favorite if I have to choose what sauce is my favorite I don't think I can answer. But, the ones that I constantly eat are Carbonara, Bolognese, and Napoli. If you know some pasta ...

  • pizzalover
    pizzalover Level 1
  • 64 8 years ago

    What are your favorite books and also who is your favorite author. You can contribute hre so we can expand our knowledge about books. We can do this to enjoy interacting with each other.

  • Carmilina
    Carmilina Level 1
  • 62 8 years ago

    During tough days, we feel stressed. First thing I do when I am stressed, I eat chocolate and try to sleep. Sleeping is my stress reliever. Because I can rest my mind, I have nothing to mind about what's going around an...

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 135 8 years ago

    Nowadays, technology is part of our daily life, honestly I can't live without it and I admit that it was part of my whole being. We can use the advancement of technology in all aspects. Technology changed my life in a...

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 121 8 years ago

    Me as a college student wanted to have some extra money on my pocket that is working and finding online part time job online. My experience in finding part time job online made me stronger. Gosh! It is was not easy. I wa...

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 134 8 years ago

    In our life, we can't avoid to choose. What will you choose? Love or Career? Why?

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 87 8 years ago

    My favorite local food is the Afang soup and Eba.It a soup prepared with a lot of oil,periwinkles,crayfish,water leaves and the Afang leaves. You can't visit any house in the south south geopolitical zone of Nigeria with...

  • augusta
    augusta Level 1
  • 97 8 years ago

    Four months ago, I stopped remembering my dreams, I know that not everyone is blessed to have this ability, or in some cases cursed. To me, the dream is the stuff which art is made of, be it sweet or nightmare, it helped...

  • fulstaf
    fulstaf Level 1
  • 63 8 years ago

    I dont have any idea on which food is the best to cook for my brothers birthday? Your suggestion and advices will be a great help

  • Patrickdim
    Patrickdim Level 1
  • 85 8 years ago

    Who doesn't even love to have pets? These gorgeous creatures are one of the best thing that could ever happen to our entire human race! Doesn't matter if you own a pet ant, a crocodile or a cow, as long as you take good ...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 81 8 years ago

    I wanted to sell online but as a new seller I don't know how can I make my sell fast?.Please give me advice and tips how to do it. i really needed you opinions.

  • jomarillana
    jomarillana Level 1
  • 76 8 years ago

    I am curious; do you love or hate Anthony Bourdain? How do you feel about him and his programs, attitude, worldview, etc. and why?

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 31 8 years ago

    I'm very social person,I love traveling a lot because I love to meet new people,interact with new faces,learn about people's culture,their food,dances,and way of life. So please share Where have you been that was ve...

  • augusta
    augusta Level 1
  • 86 8 years ago

    You wake up in the morning, take a shower, have your breakfast then go to work. You login and check your Facebook account and saw a notification for a friend request. To your surprise, your employer, boss, head of th...

  • narutos3nn1n
    narutos3nn1n Level 1
  • 84 8 years ago

    What is your favorite genre of fiction and why? Is it horror? Science Fiction? Romance? What type of fiction do you prefer to read and why is it so appealing to you?

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 63 8 years ago

    Are you familiar with the show bizarre foods with Andrew Zimmern? He travels the world to taste the most bizarre food that a country can offer. I am amazed in what he is eating, unappetizing enough to say the least but i...

  • saygorem
    saygorem Level 1
  • 75 8 years ago

    One cannot have flowers throughout the year. In order for a garden to look attractive throwing in some artefacts here and there would be a good idea. There are several ideas, including painted roots, pots, statues, roc...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 56 8 years ago

    We all have our favourite corner where we sit and relax, reminiscing. It could be in the garden, on the porch, in a balcony and some even do that in the rest room away from it all. We all need those e corner overlooking...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 153 8 years ago

    Our garden has bumper crops spread over the full year. After distributing them to neighbours, friends and family we make juices particularly from mangoes, cherries and bellfruit. We sell our jackfruits and mangoes af...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 95 8 years ago

    So, if you're like me you LOVE honey! I eat quite a lot of it. I usually have at least one or two tablespoons of it a day and then wash it down with some cold milk. I don't know what it's so satisfying to drink milk afte...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 63 8 years ago

    There are clearly very many ways to prepare a dish of chicken, well, depending on your personal preferences. You can choose to season and oven bake the bird. Which gives you nice crispy skin with juicy insides. You can...

  • Mambombaya1
    Mambombaya1 Level 1
  • 67 8 years ago

    I am so loving pinterest and all the wonderful homemade things I cannot wait to try! I'm sure we all have had our share of colds and coughs and we always seem to turn to a cough syrup or cough drops! Now, with the dilemm...

  • ermini2
    ermini2 Level 1
  • 24 8 years ago