
Answers from user JoeMilford

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All of us have his or her own favorite sport or game. We play it for fun, for exercise or as a competitive sport. What is your favorite Sport or Game?

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 172 7 years ago

    What is your list of "perfect" music albums? I know that some of you may not have a single album you consider perfect, so use the definition loosely. What music albums do you think are good from start to finish and have ...

    84 7 years ago

    It is very rare now a days to hear people doing some charity works for those people that really needs help. I am really amaze for those people that can mange to do things on their won despite of having a very busy sche...

  • esteban123
    esteban123 Level 1
  • 154 7 years ago

    Breakfast is the first meal eaten in the day and the most important. Without it one becomes irritable, restless, tired and sometimes disoriented. Eating a healthy breakfast gives us the nourishment and energy needed ...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 216 7 years ago

    An Autobiographical Movie is a work based on writings that relates to events of the life of a person that has written it. In the movie industry it is commonly called as "Biopics". What is your favorite Biopic?

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 67 7 years ago

    My favorite sci-fi writer is H.G.Wells some of his masterpieces which eventually made it to the movies are The Time Machine and War of the World's.

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 70 7 years ago

    Hei freelancers! I was wondering what do you usually write about? For example I like writing prose, I like creating some new characters and put them through situations that help them grow, and following ...

  • Tatiana22
    Tatiana22 Level 1
  • 141 7 years ago

    The parallels universes have been a controversial topic for many years there are many physics theories established by big minds like Albert Einstein with his string theory were pose a possibility of other parallels dimen...

  • Paquita
    Paquita Level 1
  • 88 7 years ago

    Throughout existence, many sci-fiction books have been writing, one of the most popular writers is Jules Verne that wrote great literary works like, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, From the Earth to the Moon, Jour...

  • Paquita
    Paquita Level 1
  • 83 7 years ago

    The hot summer months are coming and we all have our favorite dish, comfort food, snacks and drinks that satisfies and cools us down during this hot period. What is your favorite summer food?

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 124 7 years ago

    Do you prefer to make something for your partner than buying it? I am a romantic person and I like to create things for my wife, and this year I have decided to make her a heart and write here that I love her very much. ...

  • wallet
    wallet Level 1
  • 48 7 years ago

    There are many obstacles which can get in the way of us creating strong content. I was wondering--what is your greatest obstacle to finishing up a good piece of writing? Is it research? Grammar? Punctuation? Time Managem...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 114 7 years ago

    It is a simple fact of life that we all have certain basic human needs. Abraham Maslow who stated that needs existed in a hierarchy. The needs listed by Maslow, starting from the basic, are physiological, love and belong...

  • cess08
    cess08 Level 1
  • 120 7 years ago

    As we continue to discuss writing of all kinds in this forum, I was wondering something. Do you have a favorite poet who you love to read, and why do you love reading this poet? I edit an online poetry journal/blog, and ...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 56 7 years ago

    There are many unemployed youths in Nigeria and as a graduate, I didn't want to be among this set of people. Please share why you opt for freelance writing in the midst of other things.

  • OlaSidiq
    OlaSidiq Level 1
  • 66 7 years ago

    I have been so lazy lately and I know that it is because I wake up very late in the morning. I plan to do some life hacks to help me in this regard so please share any tip that you know on how to wake up early. I al...

  • OlaSidiq
    OlaSidiq Level 1
  • 96 7 years ago

    I have been writing since I was a young boy, and I love to write poetry, stories, comic books, and journal entries. I find that my writing experience helps me with my freelance work, but what I write offline is definitel...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 41 7 years ago

    Do you think you can promote your online shop if you have a front store, or promote your front store if you have an online shop. Do you think it is profitable to have a front store for your online store or online store f...

  • vinaya
    vinaya Level 1
  • 96 7 years ago

    I think all of us have to deal with writer's block at some point in our lives. When I get writer's block I get frustrated and bored and restless. And then I know its time for me to take a nap LOL. After a good nap, I am ...

  • Soulwatcher
    Soulwatcher Level 1
  • 95 7 years ago

    A family member of mine has started an online resale shop business. She goes to the second-hand stores and she buys items for a few dollars and marks them up 100%+ and sells them on eBay. So far she has been a couple h...

  • Soulwatcher
    Soulwatcher Level 1
  • 83 7 years ago

    There are several outlets where one can showcase one's artistic ability, during Christmas time specially adorning the Christmas Tree. I did it differently this time. I did up our dead fig tree which had a big star,...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 68 7 years ago

    I am at my mom's, and she is trying to stuff me with so much food that it is ridiculous. This is a traditional holiday thing for her, and she makes all of these dishes which I have grown to love over the years. plus new ...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 83 7 years ago

    I just realized the importance of setting life goals as I noticed that where I am currently in is not actually the life that I wanted. Back in the early days of my life, I have never set and written any goals that I want...

  • vhinz
    vhinz Level 1
  • 91 7 years ago

    In my office, I have some paintings, some sculptures, and other objects which create a pleasant, or at least "personalized" work environment for me. I do not like a cluttered space, but I do like being surrounded with ar...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 81 7 years ago

    I noticed that some blogs are personal blogs where the writers are writing blogs alike a daily journal. I do read personal blogs that are related to marriage, parenthood and children-parent problems where these blogs pro...

  • peachpurple
    peachpurple Level 1
  • 94 7 years ago

    Think of a writing or content project which you loved. Why was it your favorite? Why was it so exciting? What was our most inspirational project and why?

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 91 7 years ago

    I have to admit I can't help but think there is some sort of favoritism going on when a reviewer gets a free product. Because 99% of the time they just say that don't like it. Instead of telling you all of the flaws, bec...

  • Soulwatcher
    Soulwatcher Level 1
  • 75 7 years ago

    Has anyone of you ever used the mobile pen scanner that is available today in most online stores? I am planning to buy one. I've seen reviews on youtube but I want an honest review from a user and what brand do you sugge...

  • AmieBotella
    AmieBotella Level 1
  • 37 7 years ago

    Hello everyone. I am just wondering with all the tutorials here on how to set up your online business, may it be on selling, skills and others. There are numerous tools you need to have in order to make your business run...

  • AmieBotella
    AmieBotella Level 1
  • 102 7 years ago

    I love listening to music while I work and write from home, but that is just me. I was curious--what music, if any, do you listen to while you are working online or doing your writing? Why is this choice, or choices, of ...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 127 7 years ago

    We all have short and longterm goals; however, if you were to project into your future, where do you see your online presence or career in the next five years? Where would you like it to be in terms of your own criteria ...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 91 7 years ago

    I have deep passion in cross stitching, handmade crafts such as making greeting cards and gifts from recycle items. I had planned to sell them online at Listing dock and Ebay but I have a BIG problem. I am residing in ...

  • peachpurple
    peachpurple Level 1
  • 82 7 years ago

    lifeDo you use cooking or foodie blogs to get ideas or recipes for your home cooked meals or for entertaining others? There is so much information out there now regarding every kind of cuisine one could think of, so I am...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 92 7 years ago

    They believe that the essence in living life is in the small, little things. They tend to do whatever makes them happy. Many might just live an average life in the eyes of others. They believe that happiness is far more ...

  • A10K45
    A10K45 Level 1
  • 96 7 years ago

    Death is probably the oldest heart-breaker in the world. I've had a near death experience some few years back which took me a while to recover from. I was devastated but not as much as I did in 2014. In 2014, I lost ...

  • Rumu
    Rumu Level 1
  • 68 7 years ago

    A lot of people go home tired and exhausted already from work and whenever they get hungry they prefer to eat ready to eat food or just simply buy take home food for the day. Are you one of them or you still love cooking...

  • Neutron04
    Neutron04 Level 1
  • 105 7 years ago

    Over the years I have eaten so much hot food that jalapenos are like eating m&ms they do not burn my mouth at all and they are more like a candy to me. When ever my ex~wife and I would go to mexican restaurants I wo...

  • Soulwatcher
    Soulwatcher Level 1
  • 77 7 years ago

    Have you heard of the news about the rich Chinese guy who purchased a �7,600 dram of vintage Scotch and it turns out to be a fake one? Well, that's not why I start this discussion. I wrote this because I was cau...

  • AmieBotella
    AmieBotella Level 1
  • 101 7 years ago

    All of us have unused and unwanted stuff laying around the house. And believe it or not there is a huge market for used items on ebay. Today I sold a used keyboard that I has been laying around here collect dust for $14 ...

  • Soulwatcher
    Soulwatcher Level 1
  • 72 7 years ago

    Today is Halloween day. Have you prepare your kids Halloween costumes? Do you prefer to handmade them or buy readymade costumes at the store? Do you rent the costumes?

  • peachpurple
    peachpurple Level 1
  • 63 7 years ago

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