
Answers from user Krisleen

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A lot of people go home tired and exhausted already from work and whenever they get hungry they prefer to eat ready to eat food or just simply buy take home food for the day. Are you one of them or you still love cooking...

  • Neutron04
    Neutron04 Level 1
  • 105 7 years ago

    All of us have unused and unwanted stuff laying around the house. And believe it or not there is a huge market for used items on ebay. Today I sold a used keyboard that I has been laying around here collect dust for $14 ...

  • Soulwatcher
    Soulwatcher Level 1
  • 72 7 years ago

    Today is Halloween day. Have you prepare your kids Halloween costumes? Do you prefer to handmade them or buy readymade costumes at the store? Do you rent the costumes?

  • peachpurple
    peachpurple Level 1
  • 63 7 years ago

    My son has always believed in Santa Claus and this is the reason why he strives so hard to have something from him during the holiday seasons. As he grows older I would like to tell him that Santa Claus is just a fiction...

  • Neutron04
    Neutron04 Level 1
  • 70 7 years ago

    Who doesn't remember the floppy disk right? If you had an important file or a bunch of important files, you'd save them to your floppy disk for safe keeping. You'd also add them if you plan on exporting them or transport...

  • Judas2018
    Judas2018 Level 1
  • 75 7 years ago

    Hai, is there anyone here who is earning money offline? I just wanted to know how you do it cause I spend more time on my computer offline due to not having an enternet connections. Can you help me make my time valuable....

  • jomarillana
    jomarillana Level 1
  • 119 8 years ago

    Do you still read your kids bed time stories at night? I have a 9 year old kid now but we still do have a bedtime story every night. Sometimes it doesn't have to be a book, sometimes we read an ebook, or watch a short fi...

  • AmieBotella
    AmieBotella Level 1
  • 88 8 years ago

    Do you have access to free public Wi-Fi in your country or do you pay for every second you spend online? In my country, we do not have access to free Wi-Fi in public places such as the library, airport, bars hotels an...

  • Keibah2
    Keibah2 Level 1
  • 110 8 years ago

    I was raised in the idea of having a great secured job as I finished my studies. I always receive advice from my parents and teachers that I have to study well and finish college in order for me to have a good life. Thi...

  • vhinz
    vhinz Level 1
  • 129 8 years ago

    So as of January 2017, Google Chrome browser was used by 44.5% of internet users. The second most used browser? As popular as Internet Explorer used to be, it has fallen behind Safari. Which is preferred by 25.4% of inte...

  • Judas2018
    Judas2018 Level 1
  • 85 8 years ago

    I used to draw during my elementary days. My classmates would come to me to ask to draw for them in exchange of money. I enjoyed seeing my drawings and earning from it. But when I reached high school I stopped making dra...

  • vhinz
    vhinz Level 1
  • 117 8 years ago

    Mall Selling during the Holidays So I have come to the conclusion that there are advantages and disadvantages of selling craft items at the Mall, during the holidays. I feel that you make more money online than selling...

  • CampingNana
    CampingNana Level 1
  • 49 8 years ago

    Just recently, I went for a job interview at the company I previously worked at. Having worked there before, I easily aced the exams and the interview. During the final process however, they found my old record and what ...

  • Nikko25
    Nikko25 Level 1
  • 87 8 years ago

    What if you have an exam tomorrow then you cannot or you were not able to review today because maybe you have forgotten it, or maybe its a surprise exam or quiz? And what if that exam will be the only way to pass the sub...

  • narutos3nn1n
    narutos3nn1n Level 1
  • 110 8 years ago

    Has anyone of you guys think that working abroad far from the comfort of being with your family was a good idea to secure their future? Maybe financially, but do you know that children that have a parent that was work...

  • narutos3nn1n
    narutos3nn1n Level 1
  • 65 8 years ago

    I have observed that most people once they wake up in the morning the first item they operate it's the mobile phone. I happen to in that same category of looking if there are any notifications on the phone even before g...

  • wilkan80
    wilkan80 Level 1
  • 217 8 years ago

    Currently, I am running a small business. I sell cosmetics and apparel. Lately, when I learn about how to earn money online, I tried to give it a shot out of curiosity and I realize it was fun earning dollar online witho...

  • BelindaMT
    BelindaMT Level 1
  • 91 8 years ago

    The year after I graduated from university, I was on a job hunting frenzy. I did not have anything specific in mind I just applied for whatever I thought could be worth doing at the time. After like a dozen interview or ...

  • Nikko25
    Nikko25 Level 1
  • 94 8 years ago

    It's a a common thing today in our society, being online is very much done by anyone who is internet oriented. Work places, homes, schools, market places, church, etc are all filled with different set of online for one p...

  • Heatman6190
    Heatman6190 Level 1
  • 121 8 years ago

    Hi guys! I just want to ask if anyone here likes math a lot. I just want to share my experience about how I hate math long time ago and how I suddenly felt liking it during my 3rd year high school to college days. When I...

  • Cromate
    Cromate Level 1
  • 107 8 years ago

    I've been working freelance for quite a while now, many years in fact, but recently I've been starting to grow bored of it. Sure the pay is generally decent and the hours are beyond flexible, but ultimately I just end up...

  • gamergurl
    gamergurl Level 1
  • 98 8 years ago

    Good day everyone! I'm a 4th year college student here in the Philippines. I've been looking for online jobs that I can work with on my free time because it is so hard to have a part time job while studying. My schedule ...

  • Cromate
    Cromate Level 1
  • 114 8 years ago

    Here in the Philippines, the salary is so low that you can't cover up your everyday expenses. I hear a lot about my co-workers who wanted to go abroad since the pay is high. Maybe that also depends on your profession. Wo...

  • pandooh
    pandooh Level 1
  • 124 8 years ago

    If I win a million dollars from the lottery, I would buy a house for my parents, and of course for my husband and my little girl. I would use the money to put up my own business to let my money grow more. I would look fo...

    114 8 years ago

    My favorite local food is the Afang soup and Eba.It a soup prepared with a lot of oil,periwinkles,crayfish,water leaves and the Afang leaves. You can't visit any house in the south south geopolitical zone of Nigeria with...

  • augusta
    augusta Level 1
  • 97 8 years ago

    Who doesn't even love to have pets? These gorgeous creatures are one of the best thing that could ever happen to our entire human race! Doesn't matter if you own a pet ant, a crocodile or a cow, as long as you take good ...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 81 8 years ago

    Give me some sort of idea how to sell in best price I have a question for everyone regarding to this topic. I have small business but charging price was my problem. What should I do? Should i charge more than 50% or j...

    51 8 years ago

    I still playing chess and it help me to understand basic analysis, sometimes it create more attention and focus when ever I played the game. The game is simple, yet has impact of every player play with it. I, and my fath...

    59 8 years ago

    I rather enjoy playing board games, or versions of board games online. Some of my favorite games to play are word games. I love words... their variety, their ability to express nearly anything, and all the possibilities ...

    54 8 years ago

    Hello all! I hope you liked my last post on What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Every Easter. And in that post, I preposed making and selling Easter gift baskets which can sell like hot cross buns at Ea...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 15 8 years ago

    Please share your valuable points that you think are most important and major points for Selling something or Buying something time to be put into your mind and well take care of things. Actual some points are that o...

  • Babbar86
    Babbar86 Level 1
  • 21 8 years ago

    Nowadays there are lots of graphics software available. Most of them are paid and some are free to use. I always use Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe ImageReady for my regular work. I really love these sof...

  • NomanProdhan
    NomanProdhan Level 1
  • 13 8 years ago

    Several years ago, my granny taught me how to cross stitch. Back then, this was a very popular thing to do. Now days, it is not as popular. However, I still love it. Being able to sit and cross stitch relaxes me and ...

  • sweetcupcake
    sweetcupcake Level 1
  • 22 8 years ago

    I remember when I first started out with logo's I used a free trial of Photoshop, it was difficult to use at first but after using tutorials online and on YouTube I was able to grasp the basics and make some pretty cool ...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 17 8 years ago

    Do you think that poetry is easy to write? I used to hate it! I remember in school we had to write it and it took me a long time to come up with something good. However, when I was in college, I had to write a poem. ...

  • angie828
    angie828 Level X3
  • 44 8 years ago

    One of my favorite things to do is paint on canvases. I prefer to paint on one that has a frame, as I feel that they look nicer. I have been painting for about 3 years on them, and have even sold some! I started with ...

  • angie828
    angie828 Level X3
  • 13 8 years ago

    When you think of the smell of lemon, its associated with being clean or fresh! Lemon is actually a natural antiseptic and lemon juice is a very powerful cleaning agent! It has been said that the smell of lemons improves...

  • ermini2
    ermini2 Level 1
  • 20 8 years ago

    1 organic Frisbee. Made of organic free range cow. Quite round and well balanced, May need to dry slightly. Not sent but retrieved in place This is an actual, true, product you could buy. Some people in Swed...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 23 8 years ago

    Who is tired of all these good smelling lotions that these stores sell that smell really really good but make your skin sooooo dry?!?! I AM! Who is tired of these companies putting whatever they want into these lotions, ...

  • ermini2
    ermini2 Level 1
  • 14 8 years ago

    As you all have read, Im a stay at home mom of 3 girls, 2 of my girls that arent in school are with me everyday, so my life can get pretty chaotic and stressfull at times! Music is my go to remedy for stress, sadness...

  • ermini2
    ermini2 Level 1
  • 30 9 years ago