
Answers from user gamergurl

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You can do ecommerce in various ways. However, here I am talking about two methods that cost little money to start. Affiliate marketing: If you want to do affiliate marketing, all you have to do is set up a website, jo...

  • vinaya
    vinaya Level 1
  • 58 7 years ago

    Death is probably the oldest heart-breaker in the world. I've had a near death experience some few years back which took me a while to recover from. I was devastated but not as much as I did in 2014. In 2014, I lost ...

  • Rumu
    Rumu Level 1
  • 68 7 years ago

    A lot of people go home tired and exhausted already from work and whenever they get hungry they prefer to eat ready to eat food or just simply buy take home food for the day. Are you one of them or you still love cooking...

  • Neutron04
    Neutron04 Level 1
  • 105 7 years ago

    Have you heard of the news about the rich Chinese guy who purchased a �7,600 dram of vintage Scotch and it turns out to be a fake one? Well, that's not why I start this discussion. I wrote this because I was cau...

  • AmieBotella
    AmieBotella Level 1
  • 101 8 years ago

    Do you have access to free public Wi-Fi in your country or do you pay for every second you spend online? In my country, we do not have access to free Wi-Fi in public places such as the library, airport, bars hotels an...

  • Keibah2
    Keibah2 Level 1
  • 110 8 years ago

    Aliens need no introduction. Over the years we've seen so many conspiracy theories on the existence of aliens, or so the government says.If you query a search of Aliens on Google, you'd be overwhelmed with the results es...

  • Rumu
    Rumu Level 1
  • 111 8 years ago

    For me I prefer a boss who is strictly yet fun to have or fun to be with all the time. And people would say why not the kind but boring type?, the reason is people used to change right? but for me I would rather have a s...

  • gelotologist
    gelotologist Level 1
  • 104 8 years ago

    Those of you who frequent the video sharing site YouTube may know that recently it has suffered what is being called the "Ad-pocalypse." For those unaware, the gist of it is that after a good bit of controversy, many adv...

  • DenisP
    DenisP Level 1
  • 67 8 years ago

    Hi everyone! I am currently writing a book now and I am planning to publish this and hopefully sell it to the world. I wanted to start doing it by making an ebook. What are the steps I need to learn in doing this? Can yo...

  • AmieBotella
    AmieBotella Level 1
  • 64 8 years ago

    Good day everyone! I'm a 4th year college student here in the Philippines. I've been looking for online jobs that I can work with on my free time because it is so hard to have a part time job while studying. My schedule ...

  • Cromate
    Cromate Level 1
  • 114 8 years ago

    I'm from the Philippines and I really want to start any small business that is almost guaranteed to make profit from the start. I'm thinking of things like starting a food business because in the Philippines Everyone lov...

  • Hurry14
    Hurry14 Level 1
  • 72 8 years ago

    Here in the Philippines, the salary is so low that you can't cover up your everyday expenses. I hear a lot about my co-workers who wanted to go abroad since the pay is high. Maybe that also depends on your profession. Wo...

  • pandooh
    pandooh Level 1
  • 124 8 years ago

    (I wanted to post this under freelance or business section but there seems to be none) As I go about reading posts here from our fellow listers, I noticed that we have a lot of freelancers, such as myself, and some bu...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 62 8 years ago

    Hey you guys! I have just recently gotten a new job and it requires working a lot on spreadsheets. My computer needs a Microsoft office and I don't know how to put one in it. Is there a way I can get one for free? If not...

    54 8 years ago

    Every morning my Mom used to prepare me coffee and tea, coffee during breakfast and tea after shower. But my friends find it weird. Really? you drink both coffee and tea in the morning? I said why not? coffee energize...

  • betty01
    betty01 Level 1
  • 83 8 years ago

    Where do you prefered to buy your groceries, in super market or in wet market (sometimes called farmer's market by region)? And why? Wet market is very popular in southeast asia including my country, Philippines. How ...

  • jien0302
    jien0302 Level 1
  • 77 8 years ago

    Christians doesn't take Christmas celebration light. In my country Nigeria, it's a period of huge expenses as one would be looking forward to impress a lot of people. Growing youths plan to make enough cash to use and ga...

  • Heatman6190
    Heatman6190 Level 1
  • 189 8 years ago

    Are there online jobs that are available worldwide? Most of the time you sign up for most jobs only to be told they are not available in your area. Can you list some of the sites where these jobs are available?

  • wilkan80
    wilkan80 Level 1
  • 102 8 years ago

    I feel like tablets are in a weird place right now. I think they're great content machines for when you're at home, or travelling, since with such a big screen watching videos with them is much better than with a smartph...

  • ceique
    ceique Level 1
  • 83 8 years ago

    If I win a million dollars from the lottery, I would buy a house for my parents, and of course for my husband and my little girl. I would use the money to put up my own business to let my money grow more. I would look fo...

    114 8 years ago

    I am seeking a work at home, online job that pays more than a few pennies per day. I am excellent with customer service and, technical support and, there are virtual call center jobs out there but, I do not qualify for a...

  • BevH
    BevH Level 1
  • 78 8 years ago

    I recently bought and iPhone 7 after around 6 years of using android ( my last iPhone was the iPhone 4) and I'm really enjoying it. I used to only read the spec sheet of phones, and Apple phones always seemed to lack beh...

  • ceique
    ceique Level 1
  • 78 8 years ago

    During tough days, we feel stressed. First thing I do when I am stressed, I eat chocolate and try to sleep. Sleeping is my stress reliever. Because I can rest my mind, I have nothing to mind about what's going around an...

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 135 8 years ago

    Me as a college student wanted to have some extra money on my pocket that is working and finding online part time job online. My experience in finding part time job online made me stronger. Gosh! It is was not easy. I wa...

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 134 8 years ago

    In our life, we can't avoid to choose. What will you choose? Love or Career? Why?

  • rona14
    rona14 Level 1
  • 87 8 years ago

    My friend wants to write a philosophy book and sell it and as all friends do, I gave him a free advice First, he should lose the publishing company option because if they do accept to help him, they'll make him at l...

  • fulstaf
    fulstaf Level 1
  • 40 8 years ago

    Who doesn't even love to have pets? These gorgeous creatures are one of the best thing that could ever happen to our entire human race! Doesn't matter if you own a pet ant, a crocodile or a cow, as long as you take good ...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 81 8 years ago

    Hai, I am an IT student and as an IT we are also require not just to do codes but also to edit video and audio as well. I am editing video using power director software and audacity for audio. I have only a celeron proc...

  • jomarillana
    jomarillana Level 1
  • 36 8 years ago

    According to my experience, gaming helps our brain work at its best.Why? because we are playing some games according to tactics and what we planned to be done while playing a game in order to achieve it and pass it accor...

  • jomarillana
    jomarillana Level 1
  • 97 8 years ago

    You wake up in the morning, take a shower, have your breakfast then go to work. You login and check your Facebook account and saw a notification for a friend request. To your surprise, your employer, boss, head of th...

  • narutos3nn1n
    narutos3nn1n Level 1
  • 84 8 years ago

    Do you think that poetry blogs as online journals are losing popularity? DO you frequent poetry or fiction blogs regularly? If so, do you think these blogs can be sufficiently monetized and will they get enough traff...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 50 8 years ago

    eBay is well known to many people for buying and selling items. But I was wondering if eBay is the best place to sell stuff? It's probably one of the best platforms out there considering how big the marketplace is and ho...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 54 8 years ago

    A lot of people have spent years arguing that games make people more violent but I don't believe in this to be honest. I do agree that a few people can be affected by what they do in games but this is such a small margin...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 83 8 years ago

    Going through Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter, I've noticed that people are complaining about the smallest things now. Not sure if everyone knows about the Mayweather vs McGregor fight, there was something t...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 61 8 years ago

    Call your parents at least once a week or a couple times a month. It will make them so happy to know you care for them so much. You know, when most kids fly the nest, they can become so consumed by their new sense of fr...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 32 8 years ago

    Hello there I am selling graphics related services on SEOClerks. I have designed much animated banners for my clients with 100% satisfaction. I always try my best to design attractive and professional animated banners f...

  • NomanProdhan
    NomanProdhan Level 1
  • 17 8 years ago

    If you are a bit of a writer and you have a passion for all things seasonal, Easter especially, then you could turn those writing talents and that Easter passion into cash by writing eBooks or even running a blog that bl...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 24 8 years ago

    PayPal don't support our country. So I will need to choose any other payment method for withdrawing my online earnings. So, I have made and account on Payoneer. I have an active account on Payoneer and applied for their ...

  • NomanProdhan
    NomanProdhan Level 1
  • 12 8 years ago

    PayPal is the most online payment method all over the world. But PayPal doesn't support some country like our country Bangladesh. We can't use PayPal from Bangladesh and this is the most common problem of our country's f...

  • NomanProdhan
    NomanProdhan Level 1
  • 23 8 years ago

    I was a regular smoker It all started when I was in high school, going around with friends and when one started smoking we all followed, at the time it was just for show off and stuff, but know the saying” one rotte...

  • OptimismSEO
    OptimismSEO Level 1
  • 52 8 years ago

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