
Answers from user jemuelterrado Page 3

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Hai, I am an IT student and as an IT we are also require not just to do codes but also to edit video and audio as well. I am editing video using power director software and audacity for audio. I have only a celeron proc...

  • jomarillana
    jomarillana Level 1
  • 36 8 years ago

    According to my experience, gaming helps our brain work at its best.Why? because we are playing some games according to tactics and what we planned to be done while playing a game in order to achieve it and pass it accor...

  • jomarillana
    jomarillana Level 1
  • 97 8 years ago

    I am curious; do you love or hate Anthony Bourdain? How do you feel about him and his programs, attitude, worldview, etc. and why?

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 31 8 years ago

    What are the three most important pieces of advice that you could give the brand new blogger? Also, please list one resource, an eBook, website, social media site, etc. which could be helpful to the new blogger. THANKS!

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 45 8 years ago

    For those of you who don't know what is DOTA 2. Dota 2 is competitive game where each opposing team fight with skills to destroy each others ancient tower. Well title explains its self already DOTA stands for Defense of...

  • CancerNinja
    CancerNinja Level 1
  • 23 8 years ago

    I'm very social person,I love traveling a lot because I love to meet new people,interact with new faces,learn about people's culture,their food,dances,and way of life. So please share Where have you been that was ve...

  • augusta
    augusta Level 1
  • 86 8 years ago

    You wake up in the morning, take a shower, have your breakfast then go to work. You login and check your Facebook account and saw a notification for a friend request. To your surprise, your employer, boss, head of th...

  • narutos3nn1n
    narutos3nn1n Level 1
  • 84 8 years ago

    I must admit, this season finale is by far the best one that I have ever seen of all the seasons so far. It is just mind-blowing and full of twists! I did not really expect that LittleFinger will die! Although I've antic...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 43 8 years ago

    Are you familiar with the show bizarre foods with Andrew Zimmern? He travels the world to taste the most bizarre food that a country can offer. I am amazed in what he is eating, unappetizing enough to say the least but i...

  • saygorem
    saygorem Level 1
  • 75 8 years ago

    I still playing chess and it help me to understand basic analysis, sometimes it create more attention and focus when ever I played the game. The game is simple, yet has impact of every player play with it. I, and my fath...

    59 8 years ago

    I rather enjoy playing board games, or versions of board games online. Some of my favorite games to play are word games. I love words... their variety, their ability to express nearly anything, and all the possibilities ...

    54 8 years ago

    We all love special occasions and sometimes, we get really excited that we would even prepare for it a few weeks or months before it arrives. Doesn't matter if it's your dog's birthday, or an event in your local town...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 97 8 years ago

    Hello, my elite gamers, what's the greatest challenge you have ever faced since you started gaming. Mine was GTA sandandres, the helicopter(chopper) mission of droping bombs on four places in the building without being ...

  • Decypher
    Decypher Level 1
  • 49 8 years ago

    eBay is well known to many people for buying and selling items. But I was wondering if eBay is the best place to sell stuff? It's probably one of the best platforms out there considering how big the marketplace is and ho...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 54 8 years ago

    We have an small Igloo Ice Machine, and we just love it ! This little ice maker fits on a counter top, and just keeps on cranking out little ice cubes. You can choose from two sizes of ice cubes, and the first batch will...

    16 8 years ago

    Games can let us drift off into our own world especially ones like Grand Theft Auto where you can just do whatever you want. So can these games help us relax especially during stressful periods? If you are stressed, then...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 108 8 years ago

    Our garden has bumper crops spread over the full year. After distributing them to neighbours, friends and family we make juices particularly from mangoes, cherries and bellfruit. We sell our jackfruits and mangoes af...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 95 8 years ago

    A lot of people have spent years arguing that games make people more violent but I don't believe in this to be honest. I do agree that a few people can be affected by what they do in games but this is such a small margin...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 83 8 years ago

    So, if you're like me you LOVE honey! I eat quite a lot of it. I usually have at least one or two tablespoons of it a day and then wash it down with some cold milk. I don't know what it's so satisfying to drink milk afte...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 63 8 years ago

    Did you know that just one full week of not getting enough sleep can drastically have an adverse affect on your health? Just one full week of sleep deprivation is enough to actively change our genes which are what contro...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 85 8 years ago

    Hello all do you like to learn new things about yourself, or about the human body specifically? I like to learn new things about myself, about my body, I like to push myself sometimes to see what I can do with it. Or jus...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 40 8 years ago

    A few weeks back me and my kids went to go get a hamster from our local pet store and in this pet store they sell everything from lizards to rabbits, rats, mice, gerbils, budgies, hamsters and even tarantulas and I was j...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 77 8 years ago

    Who don't want to be rich ? But everybody can't be rich ! You just can't get money without working. You will need to do a lot of work to become rich. Its not impossible to become a billionaire but its also not so easy to...

  • NomanProdhan
    NomanProdhan Level 1
  • 104 8 years ago

    I think nowadays online freelancing is a great alternative of part time job. Mainly most of the students like freelancing. Because they can work from their home and can work when they have time. If you will have a offlin...

  • NomanProdhan
    NomanProdhan Level 1
  • 52 8 years ago

    Who don't like MARVEL movies as well as Thor ? I think we have lots of people around here who like MARVEL and Thor also. Thor is one of my favorite MARVEL character. I have watched both Thor and Thor : Dark World for...

  • NomanProdhan
    NomanProdhan Level 1
  • 23 8 years ago

    Hello there I am selling graphics related services on SEOClerks. I have designed much animated banners for my clients with 100% satisfaction. I always try my best to design attractive and professional animated banners f...

  • NomanProdhan
    NomanProdhan Level 1
  • 17 8 years ago

    One of my friend is having over weight problem and he is unable to loose weight as he planned. So we want to know is there some diet plans or food which can fulfill tommy also and decrease the weight slow way. Its ...

  • Babbar86
    Babbar86 Level 1
  • 89 8 years ago

    Hi, Its my experience what i saw in life and its my thinking, and all have different thinking and experiences. Well mostly the home is only looks home when moms are their or ladies are their in home that we call Hous...

  • Babbar86
    Babbar86 Level 1
  • 36 8 years ago

    In the 20th century, with the developments in broadcasting technology and advances in computing, it was predicted that Radio would not see the turn of the century. Though the prediction was somewhat true and the radio wa...

  • Mambombaya1
    Mambombaya1 Level 1
  • 73 8 years ago

    There are clearly very many ways to prepare a dish of chicken, well, depending on your personal preferences. You can choose to season and oven bake the bird. Which gives you nice crispy skin with juicy insides. You can...

  • Mambombaya1
    Mambombaya1 Level 1
  • 67 8 years ago

    We all have that one family memeber who has always been very generous. Mostly but not restricted to grandmas usually spoil us the most. I wouldn't know about you but my grandmother spoils us the most. In my younger years...

  • Mambombaya1
    Mambombaya1 Level 1
  • 37 8 years ago

    Both Burger King and McDonald's have fed us for a long time. Depending on which part you are from you may be better acquainted with one or the other. One of them still has to hold the title of the best take out burger ...

  • Mambombaya1
    Mambombaya1 Level 1
  • 58 8 years ago

    We have all at least once in our lives had an affinity for animals. And oh! Aren't they cute? Different people prefer different animal. Some keep snakes, lizards crocodiles, other love taking care of wild animals so sta...

  • Mambombaya1
    Mambombaya1 Level 1
  • 38 8 years ago

    I know, I know this question has been asked a million times but it surely never grows old. Seing as the world continually provides us with specimen of people who barely have a shred of education but are living larger t...

  • Mambombaya1
    Mambombaya1 Level 1
  • 47 8 years ago

    A nice favicon which catches the eyes of your visitor every time they visit make a brand impression. We have known of domain as brand, logo as brand. But a tiny favicon can do the same or more better. People tends to r...

  • Aplau
    Aplau Level 1
  • 13 8 years ago

    There is one thing I love about the Summer months and that is being able to sit outside and start up a barbeque! I love the smell of barbeques and whenever I smell one during the Summer months I always want to start up m...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 48 8 years ago

    I was just thinking not too long ago about what it would be like to be invisible for a day. I can imagine it would be really interesting to be invisible for just one day. Being able to be in a room where people are who k...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 49 8 years ago

    So, I just received an email telling me that Star Wars Battlefront 2 has just been announced and will be released 17th November 2017. I never got chance to play the first one even though so many of my gaming friends told...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 10 8 years ago

    I wasn’t an animal lover until I met the three musketeers. Aboy, Moto and Tigress. Last year during the beginning of winter, I found him and his 2 siblings Moto and Tigress down the street. So, I pick them up and gave ...

  • OptimismSEO
    OptimismSEO Level 1
  • 17 8 years ago

    So today was supposed to be a usual day for us, we were heading out to do my weekly food shop and as we head to the store where we shop we have to go past a charity shop. As we were passing the charity shop my Mum spotte...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 24 8 years ago

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